Opportunity Information: Apply for F18AS00024

The Gunnison Sagegrouse Habitat Restoration grant opportunity focuses on enhancing connectivity between satellite populations and the Gunnison Basin to support the recovery of the Gunnison sage-grouse. This initiative is crucial for improving population dynamics and genetic diversity, which are essential for the species' long-term viability.

The project involves mechanically treating areas where pinyon-juniper trees are encroaching upon healthy sagebrush understories in the sage-grouse habitat. This includes mowing and removing dead tree remnants from previous fires where sagebrush has begun to regrow. A Hydro-Axe will be used for the mastication of trees. Additional habitat treatments may involve installing zee-dikes or implementing other hydrological restoration activities.

Before the project begins, the recipient must provide specific project details for review and approval to ensure compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act.

  • The Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service in the other (see text field entitled explanation of other category of funding activity for clarification) sector is offering a public funding opportunity titled "Gunnison Sagegrouse Habitat Restoration" and is now available to receive applicants.
  • Interested and eligible applicants and submit their applications by referencing the CFDA number(s): 15.650.
  • This funding opportunity was created on Nov 14, 2017.
  • Applicants must submit their applications by Nov 21, 2017 This is a Notice of Intent to award a single source grant to Colorado Parks and Wildlife in accordance with DOI Policy 505 DM 2 (4) Unique Qualifications.. (Agency may still review applications by suitable applicants for the remaining/unused allocated funding in 2025.)
  • Each selected applicant is eligible to receive up to $50,000.00 in funding.
  • The number of recipients for this funding is limited to 5 candidate(s).
  • Eligible applicants include: Others (see text field entitled Additional Information on Eligibility for clarification).
Apply for F18AS00024

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Next opportunity: Biological Anthropology Program - Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants

Previous opportunity: Youth Training and Work Experience through Habitat Restoration at Peter Strauss Ranch

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